47. Choose the statement that has the same meaning as the given one. |
On Saturdays John would watch people get money at the bank in exchange for documents. |
A) When free, John would rather walk to the bank to watch people. |
B) On his days off John used to keep an eye on quick exchange of bills at the bank. |
C) The people in the bank watched John get money. |
D) On weekdays John would go to the bank and meet with people. |
E) John would rather stay at home than go to the bank. |
Правильный ответ:
B |
Перевод: |
По субботам Джон наблюдал как люди получают деньги в банке взамен документов. |
Пояснение: |
When free, John would rather walk to the bank to watch people = в свободное время Джон предпочитает ходить в банк наблюдать за людьми On his days off John used to keep an eye on quick exchange of bills at the bank = в выходные Джон наблюдал за быстрым обменом счетов в банке The people in the bank watched John get money = люди в банке наблюдали как Джон получал деньги On weekdays John would go to the bank and meet with people = в будние дни Джон ходил в банк и встречался с людьми John would rather stay at home than go to the bank = Джон предпочитает оставаться дома, чем идти в банк. |
Категория: |
Чтение, понимание содержания |
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