4. Choose the proper question to the sentence or text. |
One day the old man was going to the shop to buy food. |
A) Who was going to the shop? |
B) Was the old man going to the shop? |
C) Where is the old man going? |
D) For what is the old man going? |
E) Where and why was the old man going once? |
Правильный ответ:
E |
Перевод: |
Однажды старик шел в магазин купить еды. |
Пояснение: |
Who was going to the shop? = Кто шел в магазин? Was the old man going to the shop? = Старик шел в магазин? Where is the old man going? = Куда идет старик? For what is the old man going? = Зачем идет старик? Where and why was the old man going once? = Куда и зачем однажды шел старик? |
Категория: |
Общее развитие, логика |
В начало | Предыдущий | Следующий
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